Thursday 24 July 2014

Potty Training

Potty Training

Sorry another post I did not get around to up loading, having a puppy take so much of your time up. 

Potty Training is going really well, I can’t say we have had no accidents because we have but we were expecting that but they were really our faults, not noticing the signs and letting him wonder around the house. You need to follow him everywhere and as soon as you notice the signs, which for Alfie are to smell the floor and walk in a circle slowly, take him straight outside.

We have selected a little part of the garden for Alfie to go to the toilet and what I found that helped Alfie to go to the same place is when he had a poo we left it there so when he goes outside he goes to his little place.

When we take Alfie outside I tell him “Alfie Toilet” and when he has a wee or a poo reward him with a treats and a fuss and repeat the Positive word “Good Boy toilet good boy”. Alfie is at the point now as soon as you say toilet he will walk around for a minute and wee or poo J then we give then lots of fuss and a treat.

If your puppy is about to wee or poo in the house quickly pick him up even if he has weed a little tell him “No” and take him outside tell him toilet and if he finishes his wee outside reward him and give him lots of fuss. So he recognises if I have wee outside I get a treat. Do not scold your puppy always reward the positive behaviour.

I am not saying that my way is the right way but for Alfie it works, you do what is right for your puppy.

Thank you for reading my blog please leave a comment at the bottom as I love to read them

Vicky xx


  1. I had my doodle trained in less than 7 days (he was three months old when I got him) using so-called poochie bells; hang them on the door knob, and ring them each time you take him / her out. Sooner, rather than later, you'll have yours ringing those bells to get out of the house when needed. These critters are brainiacs!

    1. Hey thank you commenting. Wow that is great!! What a good idea. What kind of doodle do you have??? Alfie now just stands by the door and if i don't notice him he comes and nudges my arm. I completely agree dogs are so clever. :) xx


Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time to leave a comment. I love reading what you think of my posts.

Vicky xx